차한주(Hanju Cha)
Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Chungnam National University
B.S from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (1988)
M.S from the Pohang Institute of Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea (1990)
Ph.D. from Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA (2004)
LG Industrial Systems, Anyang, Korea (1990~2001)
Department of Electrical Engineering, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea.(2005~present)
United Technology Research Center, CT, USA (2009)
LS electric Global R&D Campus, Anyang, Korea (2020)
Professional field
AC/DC, DC/AC, DC/DC, AC/AC power conversion and controller
Variable speed pumped energy storage modeling and control
Embedded system development
Micro-gird modeling and analysis
Thyristor controlled FACTS instruments
Society and external activities
전기학회 본부 총무/편집/사업 이사, 평의원, 대전충남지회장
전기학회 B부문 부회장/편집위원장, 전력전자연구회 위원장
전력전자학회 부회장, 평의원, 충청지부장
IEC TC 22 기술위원회 위원장
JEET 논문지 Editor